Technology News on the Radio


Technology radio

As fans of technology know, there are many ways to get news on the latest gadgets and tech trends. Many technology fans already read blogs like BoingBoing and Engadget, or read magazine like Wired. Something that a lot of technology fans might not be utilizing to get all of their news and unboxings is online technology radio. Online radio stations exist that bring together technology themed radio shows from all over the web, and other online talk radio stations are dedicated to bringing their listeners unfettered access to technology news. Most technology publications also have podcasts that easily bring tech news directly to your mobile device.

Tech radio offers a host of different programming. Some stations have dedicated tech talk radio programs that is recorded just for their stations. Content includes anything from gadget reviews to computer troubleshooting and tech advice. Other stations aggregate the best podcasts and shows from around the web and host them together, so you can have your whole weeks worth of tech news and entertainment in one convenient package. Shows these radio stations curate are programs like This Week in Tech, Tech News Today, and Tech Nation.

It is possible to use good, old fashioned radio technology to listen to technology radio, as well. Public radio broadcast stations generally have a few NPR or PRI sponsored shows on them. Specifically, Science Friday and Marketplace Tech come to mind immediately, but a quick web search reveals there are far more shows on just those two networks than I originally thought. Other national public radio programs, like PRX, as well as local NPR affiliates generally have a science and technology discussion show. In fact, I remember listening to a regional astronomy radio show on WAMC, the Albany, New York NPR station while driving to work on Fridays during college. Wherever you look, it seems like you will find technology news there.