Can a Great IT Department Protect Your Company From Hackers?

Are you utilizing your IT department to its best capabilities? Another question could be, what are the exact responsibilities for an information technology department? As the news headlines continue to be littered with worries about hackers and subsequent losses of private information, more and more people are turning to IT services for guidance.
Network security is a real and valid concern. Some studies on the incidences of whom is hacked and when indicate that about 20% of smaller businesses can expect to be hacked within their first year of operation. This might come about because a small business does not devote the resources to establishing an IT section within their company at the startup.
To provide a quick breakdown of what the IT support at a company is responsible for, here are a few facts. IT services create a framework for the business’s automated processes. While another department within the company is tasked with deciding which information is open to all and which files might be secured, IT services only creates the network that allows for the flow of this information. The department is also in charge of providing maintenance concerning existing hardware and software, to the degree of requesting new equipment when they see fit.
Network support engineer within the IT services department would be integral to checking and re-checking the security of the network. When it comes to security of information, it is not simply hackers that need to be guarded against, although that is a serious problem in its own right. At times it is necessary to ensure that company information can not be altered or deleted by the company’s own employees.
When a mishap concerning a loss of information does occur by an employee, it is almost always an accident. In fact, in cases when information is tampered with, about 47% are the result of an deletion by the end-user, while only 13% come about because a hacker found their way into the system. About 17% of those instances involve an mistake in over-writing existing copy.
System security is a concern more than ever in today’s changing online environment. Companies cannot abstain from developing strong IT solutions, even if it is one employee. It’s the age of information; make sure you are protecting yours.