What We Can Do To Better Employee Retention In The United States

All throughout the United States, employees are struggling in their places of work. As anyone working in the field of hiring, from human resources recruiters to those at the top executive recruiting firms to restructuring consultants will be well aware of, there are many problems to rectify in our working world. And these problems are not even particularly unique to just one field or industry – they are instead prevalent very much across the board, something that has presented an issue for the working world as a whole.
For one thing, there is not nearly enough gender diversity and ethnic diversity in the working world. This has been an issue for a very long time indeed and there is no doubt that it is one that is slowly but surely improving. We, fortunately, have more equality and diversity in our workforce than ever before. But there is also no denying the fact that a great deal of improvement can still be made. After all, only around 5% of all CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are currently women, and this is itself an all time high, at least in the first quarter of the year of 2017, when this data was gathered.
And this issue, though it’s certainly a serious one, is far from the only issue dealt with in the working world. In addition to a lack of diversity, a poor skills match between an employee and the job that they have been hired to do is all too common as well. As a matter of fact, more than one third of all surveyed top executives felt that a bad hiring process and a poor skills match was a leading cause behind low rates of employee retention here in the United States, with only an unclear messaging of performance objectives following closely as another reason.
And even if the employees who have been hired to a do a job are a good fit, they are likely to not be receiving the support that they so desperately need (that any employee needs). As a matter of fact, up to four fifths of all employees feel that their superiors do not support them as they should. This, in turn, can easily breed apathy in the workplace.
And the impact of these issues is a tremendous one indeed: through cultivating unhealthy working environments, the working world has lowered overall rates of employee retention quite considerably. After all, more than half of all Millennial workers (as much as 60% of them, to be just a bit more specific) have said that they would leave their current job if they were offered a better one. And they’d leave at what essentially amounts to the drop of a hat, for that matter. But there are many good reasons that this is the case and though Millennials have become known as the job hopping generation in the eyes of many, it is not inherently their fault that there are so many issues to solve in our working world.
Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to start to rectify the above issues. For one thing, utilizing one of the top executive recruiting firms is a good place to start. Top executive recruiting firms can help in the hiring process, as top executive recruiting firms can help to produce a top level staff. And when top executive recruiting firms help in this regard, top executive recruiting firms help to ensure the success of a company. And though top executive recruiting firms cannot make any firm guarantees, the work of top executive recruiting firms has been influential and important all throughout the United States.
In addition to this, better hiring practices with more diversity can benefit just about everyone. After all, companies with ethnic diversity outperform other companies by as much as a full 35%. And companies with gender diversity do so by another 15%. Therefore, making diverse hires is something that helps out everyone and there’s no reason not to do it. Fortunately, such matters are improving the more that time passes on.
In the end, there are many ways that we can combat the problem of employee retention.