Tips For Marketing in The Digital Age

Online marketing has become immensely important not only here in the United States but all around the world. After all, we are really and truly in the digital age. So much of our lives exist online nowadays that it only makes sense for our marketing tactics to move there as well.
,br>Advertising on social media platforms has become particularly prevalent, particularly that of Facebook. Facebook is a social media giant, with billions of people logging on around the world every single day. In fact, the prowess of Facebook is so extensive that more than half of all marketing professionals – just about two thirds of them, to be more exact – cited Facebook as the most important of all of the social media platforms that are currently available. However, other social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat are also critical for the purposes of marketing and advertising.
And just placing an advertisement on Facebook or another social media site is not enough of a social media marketing plan. Instead, the format of the ad must also be considered. More and more frequently, videos are being utilized as forms of advertisements and the effectiveness of such videos on the targeted customer base is proving to be quite effective.
In fact, the data that has recently been gathered more than backs this up, showing that very nearly sixty five percent of all Facebook users have watched at least one marketing video that has come up on their Facebook feed. Many have watched even more. Videos are often more engaging to watch and are more likely to be clicked on than other types of advertisements, and it has also been found that information is often easier to digest when it is put into a video format.
However, video and social media marketing strategies are not the only important digital marketing strategies out there. In addition, many companies are looking into choosing an SEO firm (if they have not already been through the process of choosing an SEO firm) to help them utilize SEO (search engine optimization marketing) techniques. The world of SEO is an inviting one, one that is filled with opportunity and possibility. After all, there are up to one hundred billion Google searches over the span of just one month, not even accounting for the usage of other search engines (though, in many ways, Google dominates the world of search engines).
Content creation with the use of strategic keywords can help to improve the number of hits that you get for your website, as it will bring you up higher up in the search results of more searches with more variety to them. Long form content is particularly effective at doing this, something that you will learn after finishing choosing an SEO firm. Choosing an SEO firm that is in favor of long form content is ideal, as it has been found that articles over one thousand words receive both more shares and more links than shorter form content.
A big part of choosing an SEO firm is also choosing an SEO firm that will help you to create a good deal of content, as it has been found that the more content you create, the more searches and website hits these articles will lead to. Much of this content can come in the form of blog posts, as studies have shown that sixteen or more blog posts per month with more than triple your site traffic, increasing it by an astonishing three and a half times.
However, part of choosing an SEO firm will be making sure that your website design is up to the standards of the typical internet user of 2018. Gone are the days of slow and unreliable internet and having a website that is either – or both – of the two is a sure way to ensure that potential customers do not stay long enough to learn about your brand. Your website must be easy to navigate and cleanly laid out, everything loading quickly and providing as much information as is needed to any potential viewer.
From choosing an SEO firm to social media marketing, the internet is the future of advertising.