The Importance of Hospitality Technology

We live in a world that is constantly growing technologically and the hospitality industry is no different. As we can see from trends in hospitality technology, a lot of costumers do online research before deciding where to stay. Bed and Breakfast costumers, for instance, look for consumer reviews, photos, recommendations, flexible cancellation policies, and the ability to book online. It is crucial that hotel technology stay up to date and easy to use in order for customers to feel comfortable using it.
It is also important for the hotel industry to have software that is mobile friendly. Trends in hospitality technology tell us that 53% of people use their cell phones to research travel information and 46% percent of travelers who do travel research on their phones make their decision before moving over to another to device to another device to make the booking. It is absolutely crucial for technology in hospitality companies to work across devices.
Another important thing for hotels to remember is to remain cost effective. For over half of Millenials and Gen-Xers, cost plays a big role in decide where to stay. Not only should the rooms themselves be affordable but so should the technology in hotel rooms as well as other services offered. Now, there are plenty of hotels software that can show customers what hotels will fit their budget so you will get more attention for your hotel if it fills that need.
Finally, you want to give your customers incentive to come back. Nearly three out of four travelers choose to return to destinations they’ve already visited so establishing a system that encourages them to come back to your hotel is always important. Customers surveys or rewards are a great way to encourage travelers to come back for a repeat visit.
Trends in hospitality technology reveal that technology is playing a bigger part in the hospitality industry than ever before. From the booking to the visit to when its time to leave, technology can make or break a customer’s experience. It’s important to know what you’re up against and what you can do to make your hotel a technologically savvy place.