How VOIP, a Type of Structural Technology, Can Turn Your Business Around

Technology is a huge but necessary hurdle all businesses in the modern age have to face. Businesses need to have a great online presence if they want to get access to ever growing eCommerce. They need ways to protect their private data from the ever-watchful eyes of increasingly bold cybercriminals. Technology is both the key to generating revenue and the key to protecting your business.
Newer takes on older technology are just as important. Internet phone service, specifically that for small businesses, is playing a larger role in the way companies communicate with their clients and affiliates. VOIP, as internet phone service is often called, is one of the key reasons behind the revolution of structural technology.
What is Structural Technology?
Structural technology, often referred to as managed IT services, is defined by TechTarget as any technology that helps deliver network management systems and business hardware and software to businesses of all types. Structural technology covers website hosting services, risk management and security systems for business data management, and more, but it’s VOIP, Voice Over Internet Protocol, that is the most popular, and arguably most beneficial, of all structural technology, generating more than $3 billion for American structural technology providers every year, according to IBIS World.
What Are the Benefits of Using Voice Over Internet Protocol?
- Huge Savings
- Scalable Small Business Phone Systems
The biggest benefit of using VOIP, as businesses both big and small have found out, is the huge savings on communications costs. Consider, according to, Grant Thornton, a business analytics firm, saved $800,000 in the first year after it switched from traditional land-lines to internet-based phones. How can VOIP be that much cheaper? Digital data is far cheaper to use than analog data. For this reason, the average business will save around 50% by switching to VOIP from an analog service.
The ease with which VOIP can be scaled to meet companies’ needs is a huge consideration for all businesses making the switch. When you use an analog phone system, you’ll often have to have an additional line or lines added to your to your phone system to meet your needs as you expand. However, as TechTarget writes, on a single T1 internet connection, the most recommended level of internet connection for small businesses using VOIP, as many as 64 calls can take place simultaneously, almost triple what an analog system can handle. In other words, VOIP offers much more scalability for much less than traditional phone systems.
If you’ve been hearing a lot about VOIP structural technology and wondered what exactly its benefits are, hopefully you’ve have your questions answered. Structural technologies, like VOIP, are both more affordable and scalable than any other communications solution has been in the past. More information like this.