How Do Professional Search Engine Optimizers Get Businesses Noticed Online?

Even as social media becomes increasingly important, search engine optimization remains the most important marketing tool for any business looking to get noticed online in 2014. Consider, according to Search Engine Journal, 93% of all online experiences still begin with a search engine, whether it’s Bing or Google. Unfortunately, not every business has the knowledge or the resources to implement an effective inbound marketing campaign in-house. However, professional marketing firms exist for exactly that reason. If you’re tired of getting no attention for your high quality goods or services online, it might be time to turn to professional search engine optimizers.
How Can Professional Search Engine Optimizers Help?
- Website Development and Design
- General and Local SEO Expertise
- Focus on Content Marketing
- Monitored, Evolving Marketing
Would you be surprised to hear that design has a direct impact on the amount of SEO attention websites receive? As Search Engine Land writes, a design trait as simple as a color palette can go a long way in helping or hurting any SEO campaign. For instance, mismatched colors in links and design backgrounds can make your site completely non-navigable, leading directly to high bounce rates and detrimental effects on SEO.
Google, the most popular search engine, generates upwards of 100 billion searches every month, 43% of which are directed to local topics, as statistics from Search Engine Land show. In other words, SEO efforts need to be focused just as much on general SEO as on local SEO. Search engine optimizers know how to fill each page with search terms that local customers search for, helping to give small businesses the local foot-traffic they rely on so heavily, while ensuring their web marketplaces also get the attention they deserve.
Google has made it perfectly clear that the SEO techniques of the past are on their way out. Taking their place is content marketing. Often referred to as customer experience optimization, content marketing is increasingly used by all search engine optimizers worth their salt. Why? As statistics from Marketing Tech Blog show, 90% of customers find custom content useful, and 61% say they are more comfortable buying from a business that delivers high quality, custom content.
The biggest advantage professional search engine optimizers offer is, perhaps, the ability to track their marketing efforts in real-time and make changes as necessary. As Business Insider suggests, SEO can never be a set-it-and-forget-it marketing strategy; it has to be constantly tweaked and changed for the best results. Search engine optimizers have both the experience and the time to track their SEO efforts and adjust, ensuring that they offer you only the best marketing campaign available.
As you can see, turning to professional search engine optimizers gives you access to the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in this digital age. If you’re tired of missing out on growing eCommerce revenues and positive customer attention, what are you waiting for? Reference links: