3 Crucial Steps That Small Business Owners Are Missing out on to Grow Their Businesses

As technology and media usher our world into a digital age (one of the biggest global shifts since the printing press was introduced in 15th century Europe), many corporations have been pushed to transition to digital formats in order to adapt to an increasingly-online world. New innovations have shifted the culture from paper books to e-books, from standard mail to e-mail, and even from tobacco to e-cigarettes. All of this shifting can leave small businesses lost in a sea of change, but fortunately, there are many ways in which those traditional mediums can still bring huge benefits.
Over three out of four small businesses agree that using a combined strategy of print and online marketing is the ideal method of reaching consumers in the digital age. While many entrepreneurs are scrambling for SEO services and social media promotion, some of the most successful entrepreneurs are running to banner printing companies for new spins on old promotions. Here are three ways that banner printing companies can be a huge asset in a constantly-evolving marketplace:
- Custom Printed Items Bring Recognition. Approximately 84% of American consumers are more likely to remember a company’s name when they are given promotional gifts and products with the company’s name and logo on it. Instead of looking to buy ad space on major websites that are likely to be overlooked, try getting custom shirts, coffee mugs, pens, wristbands, even lighters (based on your target demographic). In this way, companies can mix digital printing with traditional promotional items to create a new awareness for their brands.
- Large Format Printing Can Attract New Consumers and Customers. Let’s face it: everyone who is serious about their business (and some who aren’t serious at all!) has a business card with their company’s name, logo, and information on it. In fact, more than 27 million business cards are printed every day. These mini-index cards come in all kinds of styles, colors, and fonts (mostly of the boring kind). If you want to really stand out to the average consumer, do something that will force them to notice you. One of the biggest advantages of banner printing companies is their large format printing: outdoor signs, banners, posters and vinyl are a great way to stand out from the rest–and can cost half the price of radio ads, less than half the cost of print ads, and as low as one-fifth the cost of television ads.
- Wrap Is The New Pop. Be creative! One of the biggest secrets of banner printing companies is large format and wide format printing, including building wraps, barricade wrap and the hottest new feature, vehicle wraps. In fact, almost 50% of polled consumers say that vehicle wraps are the most unique advertising medium currently available. Take these wraps and let your office, car or neighborhood literally bring new customers to you.
Take these tips and tricks and don’t fret about everyone else running toward digital media takeovers. Instead, focus on finding out how to be the new thing, even if that means taking advantage of banner printing companies’ old methods of promotional with a new-age twist.