iPhone Security Does Not Have to Be A Problem with BYOD


Iphone enterprise management software

Is Bring your own device, or BYOD, becoming more popular? The mobile management system, which allows organizations to let personal devices interact with each other, seems to be the wave of the future. Half of all cell phone users today have a smartphone, particularly iPhones, and 55 percent of smartphones in business will be employee owned. This is not surprising, as 54 percent of employees use tablets for personal and business use already. That said, there are systems that address iPhone security, and they get better all the time.

iPhones in particular can use a BYOD if it were not for one problem, being iPhone security. iPhone security is the biggest obstacle for implementing iPhone device management, next to costs and staffing expertise. You may be reading this, and am wondering if I am saying that Apple can do wrong. Well, the blame lies mostly with your employees. You see, a third of mobile users who use them for work do not secure or encrypt their data. You run the risk that you have no iPhone security, and that your data is not secure.

The good news with iPhone security is that it is always evolving. Configurator is a free iphone enterprise management software that can sync up to 30 iPhones at once, mostly with maintaining iPhone security. Parallel iPhone management systems offer iPhone security at a higher price, but with a greater degree of data encryption. There are even ipad management systems to provide ipad security, many of which are compatible with iPhone security systems.

So if you heard about BYOD, do not despair that iPhone security is not perfect. Instead, give it a try. By trying BYOD with iPhones, iPads, and other devices, you could save your organization thousands in technology costs. You can also let users access their data anywhere, anytime. So do not fret about iPhone security, for patch management systems always improve. Instead, try BYOD today, and see what you find.

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