Help Potential Customers Find Your Business Online With SEO

With all the buzz in recent years about social media marketing, some clear trends are emerging. There are a range of methods and platforms – websites, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest – to reach out to potential customers who are looking for precisely the products and services your business provides. Some strategies work better than others: SEO is proving itself as a leading marketing tool for generating leads and sales. Websites that are optimized for mobile devices get all the attention. For any business that is serious about online marketing, a professional SEO company can help you sharpen your digital marketing strategy and achieve measurable results.
SEO rules the Internet
Even with the proliferation of websites dealing with just about every topic under the sun, the two commonest activities in which people engage on the Internet are searches and email. The implications are very straightforward: your customers are online, looking for the products and services your business provides. Adding search engine optimization to your website makes it easier for them to find you.
The key to effective SEO is to have content on your website that is keyword rich, informative and organic. Badly written text with keywords stuffed in ungrammatically won’t make the cut. A professional SEO company can help you produce content that is well written and organic rather than artificial. Putting effort into producing quality content is worthwhile: half of all marketers feel that quality content is “very” effective for SEO. More than three out of four SEO marketers emphasize content creation for their campaigns.
Mobile is where the shoppers are
Online shoppers practically live on their mobile devices. It’s not surprising, given the convenience of having the world at your fingertips. It’s also the reason why your website should be optimized for mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. Fonts and images should load easily and quickly. Pages should be designed for small screens so that they can be viewed all at once, rather than forcing the viewer to scroll down or sideways.
Like SEO, optimizing your website for mobile pays off. More than half, or 52% of all customers, are more likely to buy something from a site that is mobile-friendly. It’s also worth keeping in mind that when shoppers do online searches, very often they’re looking for local businesses. Half of all online searches for local businesses are done by Internet users on their smartphone, tablet or other mobile device.
Go local and thrive
Mobile and local is an interesting combination and a growing trend. Since 2012, the number of page hits for online directories and other local resources from mobile devices had increased fourfold. In an average week, web pages for local businesses receive 645 million page views in the U.S. In other words, consumers are using their mobile devices to find local businesses.
Marketers are catching on to this trend, and spending on local mobile ads is estimated to grow from $800m at present to $18b by 2016. Working with a local SEO company, you can sharpen your digital presence to gain high visibility in local searches.
Now that you know where your customers live and how to find them, all you need is a professional SEO company to create the website that will direct them unerringly to your business.