Getting serious about online privacy software

You may not know this, but somebody is watching your every move online. Last night you searched for the best pizza places, ordered dinner online using your credit card, and sent an email to your mom about your upset stomach. Your wife and daughter spent most of the evening on Facebook while your son played video games online with his cousin in Australia. You thought all of that surfing was all private, but it is all trackable, which means your identity can be easily stolen right from your own home network. online privacy software can secure you and your family using enterprise proxy solutions for anonymous browsing.
Every time you use your home Internet connection to surf to a website you leave behind a calling card called an IP address. Most IP addresses are static, meaning there is one number that is permanently affixed to the host computer or device. Some are dynamic IPs, meaning a new one is assigned every time a device starts up. ip address privacy starts with finding the right enterprise proxy.
According to a recent survey of 700 anonymizer software users, 87 percent of them use an enterprise proxy tool to prevent advertisers and other people from tracking their online activities. Did you know that 44 percent of worldwide Internet users are in Asia? It’s estimated that there are now 28 million people in North America using enterprise proxy software or ip rotation to remain secure from hackers and advertisers.
Maybe it’s time for you to get serious about anonymous surfing at home and at the office.
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