Exchange ActiveSync Can Help You Run A Secure Network


Exchange activesync

When your company utilizes Exchange activesync, it is taking on a mobile app used for data synchronization made by Microsoft which syncs email, contacts, calendars, and tasks from desktops to mobile devices. This makes Exchange ActiveSync a cloud based mobile management solution which can support new mobile operating systems and releases automatically. Being able to Activesync android devices on your network is a great way for you to help your business to be much more streamlined, but if you do not also adapt some security policies, then you are setting your network up for failure.

54 percent of employees use tablets for personal use as well as for business, and if they are bringing theirs onto the network, then Exchange ActiveSync is needed to help make data flow easier. However, you all also need to bring in an extensive set of Activesync security policies that your IT team can use to monitor everything that is going on within the network all at once. By allowing them to have access to a master set of controls, they will be able to keep all of the devices updated properly, wipe phones that get lost, and lock any down that are being mistreated. This way, you can feel completely confident that time is being used and managed effectively and your company’s data is never being put at risk. The end result of this will be higher productivity among a staff that will no longer feel chained to their desks.